Mamont Vodka 40% 700ml
Mamont Vodka 40% 700ml
•Imported from Siberia, Russia.
•MAMONT vodka is the single estate producer, created in the Altai region from seed to the bottle.
•The Itkul distillery with a century--old history and production traditions old history and production traditions was chosen as a perfect place to create the best vodka.
•The distillery is located in is located in the environmentally cleanest region of Russia.
•In the pure environment of the Altai region, we cultivate wheat, rye, barley and millet, which we use to produce our malt spirit.
•Using high quality local wheat and the purest Siberian water, this vodka has been distilled alongside Cedar nuts before being triple filtered through Siberian birch charcoal. To continue it’s Siberian inspiration, it’s bottle has been designed to match a mammoth’s tusk, which used to roam the Siberian Steppes.
•Mamont Vodka is the only brand produced from seed to the bottle with 100% quality control at every stage of the process, unlike other vodka brands which usually buy spirit from other parties.
•Mamont vodka is with 6 times distilled
•Alcohol content: 40%